Russian pelmeni master class from TROIKA restaurant,

where you can discover all the secrets of making these dumplings (pelmeni) and
will also learn how to make delicious and savoury pelmeni yourself.

This is an ancient tradition that gathers all the nearest and dearest at the table -
one to roll the dough and the rest to fold pelmeni.

This means a quality time for the whole family - getting together and having fun brings everyone closer together.

While the pelmeni you all have made, are boiling, we treat you all with genuine homemade borsch, after which you will be served hot pelmeni with sour cream, and melted butter.

Dessert includes tea prepared in samovar and an sweet pancake with wild berries icecream.

Offer valid for groups from 10 to 30 people from Sunday to Wednesday, pre-booking from 1 January to 15 May and 1 September to 15 November.

Price is 35 euros per person

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